Did you know that one of the most common reasons that patients report the use of cannabis for medical purposes is to reduce pain and improve sleep? Given the popularity of cannabis as a sleep and pain remedy, there are remarkably few studies investigating the relationship between cannabis, sleep and pain.
Research, thus far, and results are encouraging, although inconclusive as to whether the effects of cannabis use on pain are mediated as a result of improved sleep, or vice versa. Clarity is needed as this information will impact accurate prescription of medical cannabis.
The study demonstrates cannabinoids are linked to:
The study illustrates the difference between the effects of THC versus CBD on sleep quality:
This article discusses outcomes of synthetically-derived cannabinoids as opposed to plant-based medical cannabis products, so results need to be treated with this in mind.
Sleep challenges and pain combined is a complex issue and further clinical studies exploring plant-based medical cannabis use are needed
Download the Study.
Review Article: Sleep, Pain and Cannabis Ferguson, G., & Ware, M. A. (2015) Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2167-0277.1000191